Glossary: G - Z
~ alien locations, concepts, groups, etc. ~
The Grand Piazza is the central square on the planet Algoritmo. The fractal historian Algobrith spends much of his time sitting here pondering the history beneath.
THE GREAT GAME can mean two things. First and foremost it’s the political and military power struggle in the Kraslika cosmos, dominated by the tension between the Vicinese Federation and the Fallarian Dominion. The Great Game is also a specific competition on the planet Die, which involves determining or guessing at the symptoms, side-effects, bearing, and orientation of the larger Great Game.
The Great Triangle is the universe cluster containing our universe (the Violet Hoop), the Green Buzz universe, and the universe of the Baulians (the Orange Hoop).
The Great Void is the space outside the Kraslika.
The Hexagon is about 14 billion years old, The Hexagon contains 216 Cosmic Eggs (one of which is the Kraslika, where our universe is located). These 216 ‘eggs’ are arranged in hexagonal shapes: 6 groups of 36, with each group of 36 divided into 6 groups of 6.
Illyrium Bars are the highest value currency. One bar equals one million dinaras, which is the most common currency, equalling about 5 US dollars.
Infinitesimal Energy is the principle by which increasing amounts of energy are found at increasing subatomic depths (similar to finding enormous amounts of energy in the element uranium). A million years ago, the Vicinese discovered that energy increases exponentially at increasing subatomic depths. The Fallarians discovered a similar principle, but concentrated on the extraction of dark energy.
Infinitesimal Propulsion is the application of infinitesimal energy to travel. The ancient Vicinese and Fallarians discovered that a fractal operating at a deep subatomic level can use infinitesimal energy to propel itself at speeds measured in multiples of the speed of light — such as lightspeed x 7, lightspeed to the power of 5, or lightspeed cubed.
INFRACTION is the reproduction of larger structures into miniature form. Infraction, and the fractals on which they’re based, is basic to atomic science, economics, personality, and warfare in the Kraslika. The Baulians can reach subatomic depths of 10 to minus 30 metres, while the other advanced species (Vicinese, Fallarian, Aatari, etc.) can operate at even more minute and powerful levels. The Soul Star is the most highly infracted space in the Kraslika.
1. General. Infraction is based on the concept that space can be divided infinitely, and that ever-smaller structures can be inserted within any given structure. Theoretically, the largest of structures (even a galaxy, complete with all its molecules and atoms) can be infracted and placed on the head of a pin. This is the concept behind the Soul Star.
2. Biochemical and Military Uses. Infraction can also be used to superimpose a more potent DNA of one species over another. In this way, infraction can also be used as a weapon by infracting extremely tiny yet complex instructions and energies into an unsuspecting host. See 🔮 On Becoming Human for Baulian infraction,🧚 Fairy Tales for Fallarian infraction (or ‘natural selection’), and 💚 Infraction 101 for a comparison of Tarnese, Baulian, Vicinese, and Fallarian infraction.
Ithion glass — the strongest transparent, non-reflective glass in the Kraslika
Jiadao is the planet where Algotodo comes from, and where he lost his beloved Wei.
Kollarum is a planet located in a large void in the cosmos of Ataari Lok. Kollarum is the location of The Blue Bubble Conference Centre, the Big Four Conference Centre (with it’s Grand Hall and hotel/entertainment complex), and the Kantabri Bar (where Qayam meets Dactalla and where a host of aliens tell stories).
KRASLIKA is the 13 universes known to most of the advanced species in the novel; the Kraslika is, however, just one Cosmic Egg (or cosmos) among the 216 Cosmic Eggs (or cosmoi) in the Hexagon. The biggest and most powerful universes in the Kraslika are The Purple Pulse and the Black Pulse, which both contain about ten trillion galaxies each (the other universes each contain about a trillion galaxies).
Lightspeed is travel at the speed of light. The Vicinese derived the principle of infinitesimal propulsion from their discovery that levels of energy increase exponentially according to subatomic depth. A fractal at a very deep subatomic level can use the enormous energy found there to propel itself at speeds measured in multiples of the speed of light, the most common being lightspeed cubed. As a result of the ability to travel so quickly, intergalactic and inter-universal travel became possible. Humans are unaware of infinitesimal propulsion and as a result consider lightspeed and intergalactic travel a fantasy. Baulians have mastered inter-universal travel yet haven’t reached the subatomic depths required to go beyond their own Great Triangle cluster of three universes.
Looking-Glass Beings (or LGBs) are the original 7776 LGBs still live in the 216 known cosmoi or cosmic eggs. They are capable of mirroring or infracting entire worlds and universes into their consciousness, and they meet in the Nexus, which is at the centre of the Hexagon (or 216 Cosmic Eggs). Their history is briefly recounted in ⭐️ The Eggs of Cosmic Chance. Fra Sole is a Looking-Glass Being who creates, controls and destroys galaxies, including our own Milky Way, through his dicing techniques.
Meliflorium is a languid planet in the nord of the Pink Sea; home to X and Y
Natural Selection (Fallarian version) is the ability, and right, of Fallarians to choose the infractions they want to integrate into their DNA and nervous systems. This contrasts with the Baulian method of infraction, which forces pre-determined patterns onto the DNA and nervous systems of Baulians and Baulomorphs. 🧚 Fairy Tales
The Nexus is located at the centre of the 216 Cosmic Eggs. It contains sands of time, musical frequencies, infraction quantifiers (which process and analyze massive quantities of data), etc., all of which are used by the Looking-Glass Beings to conceptualize, communicate, and strategize. The forms generated in the Nexus materialize, shift, dematerialize, etc. and are subject to change. One recurrent form is the Golden Stairway, which leads to The City, which contains the Infinity Bank, which records everything.
PURPLE PULSE is the Kraslika’s nordernmost universe, inhabited by the Vicinese, who come from the Vicino Lontano galaxy and the Vicino Prossimo home planet (the capital city is Vicino Concordia). Like the Black Pulse, the Purple Pulse contains about ten trillion galaxies.
Seamers & Reapers are beings in The Vast Field, a realm known to the Looking-Glass Beings and stumbled upon by Galdrimera, a magnet dreamer from the Purple Pulse universe.
Seventeen Percent Solution is the Baulian standard operating procedure of eliminating 17% of a conquered population. In the rare instance where the conquered population is completely amenable to Baulian control, then no percent is eliminated. If it is belligerent or given to hyperbolic rhetoric, then 17% is exterminated as a warning. If it continues to resist, then another 17% is eliminated as a more severe second warning. If the population continues to resist, the Baulians just keep continuing to exterminate until the subjects realize that any form of resistance whatsoever is futile.
Skrakta is a planet in the estern part of the Frozen Skiff universe; the original home to the Dalitians and Horsefly; once controlled by the Superions, taken over by the Badagarians, and still monitored by the Badagarian Bakhtars. For its history, see 🎲 The Horsefly & the Rose.
THE SOUL STAR was created a million years ago by Algotodo, the most intelligent of the Seven Fractal Sages of Vicino Prossimo. The Star was infracted at depths that only the Anunnaki understand. The location of this Star is now elusive to everyone, even the contemporary Vicinese. It’s rumoured to exist in the Local Void near the Milky Way, in the Violet Hoop universe. The origin of the Star is recounted in ⭐️ And Yet, a more detailed description of it can be found in Algoritmo, and the relation of individual selves to the Soul Star is explored in 🧚 The Bind That Flies.
A SWARM is a galaxy infracted by the Fallarians into a small, mobile, armoured form. All Swarms were initially weapons controlled by the Demon Priests, yet half of the Swarms rebelled and many are presently in a state of rebellion. The Vicinese call the successful rebels Swarms of Light, and the struggling rebels Swarms of Half-Light, although none of them, having liberated themselves from the Demon Priests, have any intention of joining anyone else’s army. Still, hundreds among them make it their aim to liberate subjugated populations throughout the Kraslika. Needless to say, they find the Baulians to be primitive, presumptuous, and generally obnoxious. Punching far above their weight, the Baulians are in the cross-hairs of at least a dozen liberated Swarms.
TARRY DOT is a machine created by Knifestream. It calculates the trajectory — presumably toward the Soul Star — of energy leaving the body after death. The Tarry Dot is venerated by the Aatari/Ataari, who live their futile lives in the hope of being unified in the Tarry Dot, which they see as a sort of mystical annihilator god — see 🎲 The Tarry Dot. At the start of the novel, Knifestream possesses only two TD machines. The machines are of concern to the Vicinese and the Anunnaki, who fear that Knifestream and the Demon Priests may use the machine to find the Soul Star.
Tarnese refers to the Copper Tarn universe. The mix of Tarnese and human is a Tarnaround. See 💚 On the Rebound for the identity of Clark Kent / Tarnar, and see 💚 Infraction 101 for the difference between the infractions of the Tarnese, Vicinese, and Fallarians.
VICINESE refers to the planet or inhabitants of Vicino Prossimo or to the Vicinese Union of the Purple Pulse. Their capital city is Vicino Concordia, on the planet of Vicino Prossimo.
Vollifloria is a planet in the universe of the Pink Sea. Their dominion of love and tolerance, spiced up everywhere with poetry and the music of their seventy-eight stringed harp, stretches from one end of the pink cosmos to the next. The edges of the universe are bound and protected by a powerful swirling force that exudes a sweet perfume like that of a rose. The Volliforians are somewhat disturbed (but also delighted in a grudgingly liberal sort of way) that they find themselves inexplicably attracted to the acerbic Dalitians from the Frozen Skiff. The secretary Tarandafilla finds herself hopelessly and excruciatingly in love with the Dalitian Horsefly (see 🎲 The Horsefly & the Rose). The Volliflorians are a contradictory species: while they cherish peace, they have an insatiable need to take surreptitious control.
Contents - Characters - Glossary: A-F∙G-Z - Maps - Storylines