Story Lines

🎲 The Great Game is the main story line. It has numerous sub-narratives within it, which are also marked 🎲. All of these intersect with other key story lines — marked ⭐️💍💚🧚🔮✏️🗽.

The Great Game focuses on the power-struggle between two great cosmic powers: the seemingly angelic Vicinese and the seemingly demonic Fallarians. The Vicinese Talfar and the Fallarian Farenn join to avert the disaster precipitated by the Baulian invasion of Earth. Together with the security agent Qayam and the Fallarian double-agent Dactalla (The Blue Bubble), Talfar and Farenn work against corruption in The Vicinese Federation and against the Fallarian Demon Priests, the most dangerous being Knifestream (The Best Laid Plans, The Nature of the Game, & The Finest Ear-Muffs Money Can Buy). This wide-ranging story line is integrated with the following story lines:

⭐️ The Soul Star ~ Algotodo (one of the Seven Sages) uses infinitesimal infraction to construct the Soul Star so that he can relive the past (And Yet) ~ Antiny spies the ship of a god-like being (Poetry in the Deep) ~ Knifestream uses his Tarry Dot machine to calculate the location of the Soul Star, which worries the Vicinese and the Anunnaki.

💍 The Ring ~ In Paris, the Anglophone Kenneth tries to figure out whether Martine is an alien or just French (The Actress)

💚 The Three Graces ~ In Italy, Lucia is plagued by celestial visions (Di Parma), Claudia re-defines herself (Pietro Parlante), and Sandra has boy-girl issues (Roma I) ~ Lucia, Claudia, & Sandra meet powerful aliens ~ Tarnar falls in love with Claudia and joins with Farenn

🧚 Fairy Tales ~ Antonio (a Fallomorph) adopts the Devil & seduces Beatrice (a Vicinamorph) ~ Ragor reports to the Blue Dream universe on Antonio, Beatrice, and their son Baldric; the town priest joins The Luxorium, an elite alien cult

🔮 Cubic Pink ~ powerful pink aliens rise from the primeval swamps of Baulis to control the Orange Hoop universe (🔮 Ascendency) ~ half-human and half-Baulian, Berry is torn over the invasion of Earth (Dinner Guests from Baulis Prime) ~ Rablanar the Fractal Mystic moves to New York (Fractal Masters & Mystics) ~ the Baulian High Council passes Rule 2.7, allowing Earth to continue in its violent and chaotic ways; Rule 2.7 ✰ provides entertainment for the Baulians, ✰ allows humans to feel free, and ✰ proves that Hobbes was right after all: humans need a master race to stop them from killing each other (Rule 2.7 )

✏️ Letters ~ In an exam Matt is distracted by pretty girls and Doom (The Collected Works of Humpty Dumpty) ~ after the apocalypse, Matt falls for his alien maid ~ Matthew chronicles pre- and post-apocalypse Earth, and joins with Talfar & Farenn

🗽The Green Lady ~ Françoise despises America, but not her American family ~ Curtus watches Trump wreck the nation ~ Occasional Cortez has different plans for America


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