The Great Game 🎲 The Soul Star
The Book of Fractals
From II: History
Those who talk of the beginning of the cosmos do not understand time. Those who talk of a limit to the cosmos do not understand space.
The first beings to seek understanding were submerged in terror and dismay. Infinite regression battled infinite expansion, and for an aeon they were lost in deep roads that are now impossible to trace.
Finally they saw that while the laws of nature were obscure, there were no greater principles than these laws. There was no such thing as magic. If there was a Being who had a grand plan for all time and space, this Being was not sharing the information.
Chaos was on the face of the void, yet the first beings vowed never to give in. They prayed and searched for five thousand years, only to confirm that the cosmos had no inherent order.
So, finally, they decided to give it one.
Slowly, they expanded the infinitely small into the infinitely large. They kept their minds on the goal: an order that wasn’t merely theoretical; an order that could be inhabited. Thus they established the Soul Star — a solid, eternal reality that gave meaning to the existential fact of being alive. They also established a philosophy which they hoped would stretch across the gaps of time. They called this philosophy fractextentialism.
Next: 🧚 Quest
Contents - Characters - Glossary: A-F∙G-Z - Maps - Storylines